Flyer Design
- For all print orders, an online proof will be emailed foryour review. We strongly urge you to check theelectronic proof of your artwork before submitting yourapproval/ order. No job will be started without yourapproval.An online proof is NOT an accurate color reproduction ofyour final printed piece but is the final opportunity foryou to check the layout, bleeds, crops and final text.Electronic proofs do not show transparency andoverprint issues. They also do not show the color changefrom RGB or Pantone to CMYK. Therefore, PyramidVisions will not be liable for color variation between theproof and the printed product. We will try our best tomatch the colors of the proof and the printed productbut please understand that color variation differencesare inherent inconsistencies of the printing process andwe will not be held responsible for it.It is the customer's responsibility to determine if the job is color critical. The proof should be checked by you against the original file for possible errors in layout, copy, spacing, punctuation or image placement. You, the Customer, are fully responsible for all that is contained in the final approved proof, so please make sure you reviewit thoroughly.